maximusmonger 发表于 2022-8-27 02:03:28



在国内的时候遇到那种素质不是很高的人了我两句 我会很容易上头。。。比如说有人闯红灯然后骂你走路不长眼睛,或者你在店里不买东西就被人骂没钱就别出来瞎逛之类的话,我的第一反应会很气愤,特别想怼回去。

但是在加拿大遇到SB或者说英语的那种在情绪上反而不会让我有太大的反应。。。一般就回复一个whatever man,或者fuck off 之类的 一笑而过了


天天小 发表于 2022-8-28 15:01:06


波匀见日 发表于 2022-8-28 17:17:22


asdfasd 发表于 2022-8-28 21:33:13


shagmate 发表于 2022-8-28 22:47:55

I think it's a culture and upbringing thing.Since you grew up in China you are very comfortable in that environment and mannerism hence more free to express yourself.
But since English is a second language you are psychologically held back because it's a foreign language and your anger doesn't naturally comes through.

maximusmonger 发表于 2022-8-29 02:19:35

shagmate 发表于 2022-8-28 22:47
I think it's a culture and upbringing thing.Since you grew up in China you are very comfortable in ...

except I grew up in Canada, went to school here and lived here most of my life...I think your theory would hold true if I was just visiting or have only been here for a short while.

Perhaps it's a envronmental thing? I do feel that when I'm in North America I am more laid back/chilled out.

Starvo 发表于 2022-8-29 07:04:42


shagmate 发表于 2022-8-29 08:33:19

Ops, my apologies.I just ASSumed, my bad.

chessmaster 发表于 2022-8-29 10:51:27

人是會受四周環境影響情緒的, 如你去了冰島, 你或會比在加拿大時更冷靜, 或者你去了印度, 你或會比在中國時更狂燥.

ezlin 发表于 2022-8-29 20:30:51

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查看完整版本: 为什么在国内被人怼了更容易情绪化?