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The True Face of American Democracy

发表于 2020-2-6 04:02:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Is this the democracy for party members with no conscience and soul, which the American Govt has been trying to EXPORT via military interference to the rest of the world?  Has the American democracy went bankrupt?
The most vivid example is DT's presidency.  DT's impeachment was defeated in the Senate which the Republicans control despite 2 Senators spoke up about DT's behaviour, inappropriate yet impeacheable, but not a word about his obstruction of Congress/justice.

Since the Republicans have the majority in the Senate and that it required a majority of 2/3 to impeach and remove the president, it is a fore-gone conclusion the the impeachment vote in the Senate will not succeed.  However, only one Republican jumped ship to cast a "yes" vote.

You can now bet that DT will now boast his exoneration and will have some more display of his "tyranny".

The only hope that democracy can survive is that DT is soundly defeated in his re-election bid this coming November otherwise his mental state, erratic behaviour, and impulse decisions will bring the world to war and ultimate destruction.

One comforting thing to note is that impeachment is NOT DT's legal woes.  There are still a few pending legal cases re his finance and corruption charges which will drag on until he leaves office when he has no more "executive privileges" to lean back on!

Meantime, the American democracy is on exile!


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-13 04:00:30 | 显示全部楼层
DT destroyed the US democracy and rule of law and Senators who voted not to impeach him became accessories of DT's crime.

History will not be kind to DT's ass lickers and cronies!

(After impeachment acquittal, DT took revenge on loyal and long standing and well-respected Government servants who testified and told the truth, INCLUDING FAMILY FAMILIES who were not even  
part of the hearing.  DT also interfered with Justice Dept's sentence of his crony's sentence of 9 years, forcing 4 Federal Prosecutors to resign (there will be more to come!)

America's legal system is dead!

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