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鄧小平. True hero/hope for China in recent history [tomsiu]

发表于 2014-12-24 19:59:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2014-2-8 19:27:09 | 只看该作者

鄧小平. 1904~1997
After hundred of years finally, a great hero brought China back to world stage. He set leadership formation (10 year term) that ends Kings era. Deng ruled as "paramount leader" although he never held the top title of the party, and was able to successively remove three party leaders.
At age 72 in 1976 Deng could choose to retire but come to work 20 more years to ensure the leadership system work. Ever since it is all about administration. Compared to prior 1976 we noticed:
-Denied Communism & went on Capitalism-alike.
-More house/factory/business on land.
-More Cars, bridges on road. More food on table.
-More battleship in ocean. More fighter jets in air. Chinese man flew into space. China-made machine on moon.
-The least (by war/mishap/rebel) death compared to any historic years.
-Stabilized the turbulence in 天安門 1989-06-04 with minimal deaths compared to 紅衛兵 era. Ever since no similar incident happened again until today.


  楼主| 发表于 2014-2-9 19:33:31 | 只看该作者

Ben2009 发表于 2014-2-8 19:51
Actually Zhou Enlai is arguably a bigger hero, and is respected world-wide.

I almost agree to Zhou. But, per history said he died earlier than 毛. (1) 周 capable to survive from 毛's era. (2) Zhou was able to convince Mao to bring Deng back into politics in 1974 as First Vice-Premier.

If 周 became leader:  
-Not sure if 周 capable to remove party leaders ( 华国风) ?
-Say if 周 continue the reform 天安門事件 still happened anyway. How would 周 handled it?
-Not sure if 周 wanted to be a king also.

There are too may "if" here but my judgement based on history. Of course I am not to against yours. Welcome of sharing (with points).

Note: 天安門事件 that I believed (just personal believes with not much ground) it was orgainized/or supported by US (after 13 years of reform)! Based on all student/young leaders escaped (有后路) to USA. They all live very well after math. They have no plan to go back to rebel. (unlike 毛/周/刘 that they could escaped to Russia during Long March. Or they hav 无后路). 天安門事件 is the last incident caused by 无知学生/贫农/uneducated people.

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发表于 2014-2-9 08:51:31 | 只看该作者

Actually Zhou Enlai is arguably a bigger hero, and is respected world-wide.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-2-9 19:47:32 | 只看该作者

Ben2009 发表于 2014-2-8 19:51
Actually Zhou Enlai is arguably a bigger hero, and is respected world-wide.

周 is a very very good person.....flea of doubt. He insisted reform & able to bring back 邓. Without him there is no 邓 (that year 邓 is 70 y/o). 周 is hero in this aspect.
Also 刘少奇. 邓 (强人) choose to work along with him. 刘 even lost his life in 1969.


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