

投票(旧) / Poll(old) 今日: 0|主题: 175|排名: 48 

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投票 预览 survery: age group breakdown diuallday 2013-12-8 84017 wbywq 2014-2-4 23:32
投票 预览 mm asked me to stay longer / over night without extra fee!!! attach_img  ...23456..7 88bb141 2014-1-7 6314816 peps1crush 2014-2-4 14:14
投票 预览 Whats the farthest you ever shot your cum / jizz? 88bb141 2014-1-31 93058 happypooning 2014-2-4 14:07
投票 预览 mm needs to learn to suck cock after bros shoot their load!  ...2 88bb141 2014-1-8 174522 88bb141 2014-1-31 00:58
投票 预览 How many mm you been eating since Jan 1st?  ...2 88bb141 2014-1-5 173249 bobbycox 2014-1-29 21:09
投票 预览 Does eating meal (mm) make you treat the women in your life better?  ...2 88bb141 2014-1-7 113298 asdfasd 2014-1-29 20:56
投票 预览 When you call / text garages, Which language do you prefer to use? 88bb141 2014-1-12 61709 bbq2011 2014-1-29 19:47
投票 预览 Have any mm asked you to go bareback / use no condom???  ...23456..7 88bb141 2014-1-20 7022978 peps1crush 2014-1-29 19:44
投票 预览 Does the Bed at the Garage affect your overall experience  ...2 88bb141 2014-1-12 173493 88bb141 2014-1-29 19:24
投票 预览 Does this cold weather make you not want to hunt?  ...2 88bb141 2014-1-7 153852 chiggaboi2 2014-1-15 12:25
投票 预览 Language Preference of the Brothers / Wolf Hunter???  ...2 88bb141 2013-12-18 164057 88bb141 2014-1-9 13:31
投票 预览 熊掌和鱼,不可兼得~~~  ...234 asdefca1 2013-11-4 338062 samsungnote 2013-11-19 11:32
投票 预览 How many bros will like to do GREEK?  ...23 martinbeck 2013-8-7 307907 bobbycox 2013-11-4 03:53
投票 预览 Kimchi vs dimsum/dumpling battle of MMs  ...23456..8 7samurai 2013-8-11 7314629 theone 2013-10-19 03:40
投票 预览 Your cup of tea mm?  ...23 7samurai 2013-9-22 226189 happypooning 2013-10-8 07:21
投票 预览 How often do you get tested for STI's?  ...234 strifes 2013-7-4 3610292 happypooning 2013-9-15 07:29
投票 预览 how do you feel about pre-booking?  ...2 diuallday 2013-8-22 164096 happypooning 2013-9-5 09:19
投票 预览 突然发现,Keeper都涨价了  ...234 wsqtds 2013-8-7 408313 theone 2013-9-4 15:07
投票 预览 Hunters burden of life expenses?  ...2 7samurai 2013-8-15 174425 dashfortrash 2013-8-21 22:47
投票 预览 How many repeat sessions with a mm before it feels routine like GF or wife?  ...2345 7samurai 2013-8-10 447829 chiggaboi2 2013-8-21 08:05
投票 预览 Age Vs Services  ...23 lamfitness 2013-8-2 275250 dadizhu 2013-8-7 09:19
投票 预览 Dove advertising campaign - anti photoshop?  ...2 7samurai 2013-8-5 143012 strifes 2013-8-6 06:35
投票 预览 How long time u prefer? 新人帖  ...234 jacksonson1988 2013-1-31 348237 looking4girls 2013-7-29 12:52
投票 预览 Anal Sex? Have you ever have Anal Sex?  ...23456 (x_o) 2012-11-19 5817946 cockyli 2013-7-28 04:00
投票 预览 Saliva or KY?  ...2345 Chiggah 2013-1-7 458812 傻傻 2013-7-22 23:02
投票 预览 多少人有过沈船经验? 新人帖  ...23456..27 qingxian98 2013-6-30 26627417 傻傻 2013-7-22 10:05
投票 预览 You age preference for mm?  ...23 88bb141 2012-10-22 216058 pjhuise 2013-7-19 00:11
投票 预览 Shooting 2x in one hour with mm  ...23 unbiasedguy 2013-6-26 216011 strifes 2013-7-18 00:04
投票 预览 Would you release real name and work info to a high end mm??  ...23456..7 7samurai 2013-6-26 649822 rpm6969 2013-7-16 19:58
投票 预览 Do you repeat with average quality mm due to poor market selection? 88bb141 2013-3-8 51806 piaocailin 2013-7-16 11:03
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