

投票(旧) / Poll(old) 今日: 0|主题: 175|排名: 48 

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投票 预览 如果你对小妹的服务满意,你付小费吗?如果付,付多少?  ...23 ToraToraTora 2016-11-15 286167 Adamsmith-moon 2016-11-18 05:48
投票 预览 如果你的AV女神来多伦多 你愿意为她一掷千金吗 ?  ...2345 PQ666 2016-6-28 4310606 tytuiyty 2016-7-9 03:40
投票 预览 Hiding mm identity with BLUR, MOSAIC OR BLACK LINE OVER EYES  ...234 88bb141 2016-4-8 329929 88bb141 2016-4-22 13:03
投票 预览 Kimchi before and after surgery... do u care ?  ...2 88bb141 2016-4-8 184995 Georgex0224 2016-4-15 03:10
投票 预览 Best Asian MM of the Year Award 2015  ...23456..16 Apoc 2015-12-27 15937652 Apoc 2016-2-10 18:05
投票 预览 Catherine Retirement Fund Raising  ...2 7samurai 2016-2-7 144222 7samurai 2016-2-8 15:11
投票 (VOTE CLOSED) BJToronto2015怎么还没被禁止发言? - [阅读权限 20]attach_img  ...23456..29 mofoking 2015-9-25 2907585 WILLIAMS 2015-10-6 03:03
投票 预览 Would you marry your goddess MM if you had the chance?  ...234 hamsuplo 2015-4-7 399388 wejet 2015-7-23 06:27
投票 预览 Is the customer ALWAYS right?  ...23 count 2015-6-13 246229 7samurai 2015-7-18 01:36
投票 预览 When do you go hunting? aacc 2015-3-19 73168 dicken84ca 2015-3-25 21:54
投票 预览 Age of wolfs on this forum aacc 2015-2-17 85759 throwaway33 2015-2-28 10:43
投票 预览 If you are a wolf and hunting, what is your relationship status? pirateboy 2014-8-23 93893 happypooning 2015-2-24 07:27
投票 预览 什么星座的男人最爱嫖?  ...234 jensen0630 2014-11-20 3112541 PrinceE 2015-2-18 10:46
投票 预览 do you clean your asshole?  ...2 vwbeetle 2014-9-29 185292 asdfasd 2015-2-4 01:06
投票 预览 How much more would you eat if the average hh price dropped to $120 ?  ...23 88bb141 2014-8-18 226620 axelwang 2014-11-7 10:50
投票 预览 Do you ever report a bad meal by writing a review ?  ...2 vwbeetle 2014-8-27 124629 Goodluck2014 2014-10-30 23:53
投票 预览 Do you think it's ok to publish mm off menu services?  ...234 7samurai 2014-8-4 388764 pirateboy 2014-10-30 23:53
投票 预览 how long do you book MM for? pirateboy 2014-8-23 02399 pirateboy 2014-10-30 23:53
投票 预览 how much do superstars like ECBWS make per year? pirateboy 2014-10-24 22385 BongKa 2014-10-30 23:53
投票 预览 Condom size / Girth size and mm satisfaction 88bb141 2014-8-11 73641 88bb141 2014-10-30 23:52
投票 预览 which non Asian escort review board do u use for Toronto & nearby cities? qiuqifeng 2014-8-26 618719 asuran 2014-10-25 19:53
投票 预览 Penis length poll - please particiate  ...234 88bb141 2014-6-25 318642 frankies 2014-10-3 20:58
投票 预览 如果你来世是女士,还算有点姿色,你会一段时间卖B吗? toronto.alex 2014-8-31 22560 toronto.alex 2014-9-29 18:25
投票 预览 Watching video of mm banging, does it make you want to bang her more or less?  ...2 88bb141 2014-8-9 145110 88bb141 2014-9-8 18:59
投票 预览 狼調之~令人反感的mm attach_img  ...23456 happypooning 2014-4-4 5315793 pighead 2014-8-30 20:05
投票 预览 how many of you tried to book IU@Barbiehouse but can't get appointment? hihibye 2014-7-28 53338 goblin 2014-8-30 17:28
投票 预览 狼調之~最愛性愛姿勢 attach_img  ...23456..11 happypooning 2014-3-19 10121946 happypooning 2014-8-30 07:14
投票 预览 Who is the prettiest mm at MW  ...23456..7 asdfasd 2014-5-9 6319098 neo2006 2014-8-28 18:24
投票 预览 If you saw LE around during your incall appointment, What would you do? 新人帖 spseeker 2014-8-20 103795 canchi 2014-8-26 10:53
投票 预览 Before you hunt mm what resources do you use?  ...2 88bb141 2014-8-18 175198 HC1265 2014-8-23 21:36
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