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楼主: ricebrother

Nikita @ TorontoGirlFriend

发表于 2024-4-26 22:29:31 | 显示全部楼层
soulsweeper_7 发表于 2024-4-26 17:35
The Agency Toronto Girlfriends (TGF) has made a complaint against my comment on this thread so the f ...

Agreed that frank underwood guy is a piece of shit

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发表于 2024-4-26 22:51:30 | 显示全部楼层
TGF clearly knows they messed up this time and are trying to clean up their mess I ask my fellow wolves is this the type of response you expect from a respectable agency. They have deflected all the points aimed at them and keep speaking like politicians like Donald Trump. Bringing up Rosa Parks, that's an insult that you even brought up her name to something like this, its just hobbying and reviews. Mind you they have access to personal information when they ask for e-transfers. Do you want an emotional shop like this to be trusted with your info? I encourage you all to voice your opinions on this matter.

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发表于 2024-4-27 04:57:13 | 显示全部楼层
based on the aggressive response, will not go the for sure. Sounds like Karen + red neck

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发表于 2024-4-27 07:13:47 | 显示全部楼层
soulsweeper_7 发表于 2024-4-26 22:51
TGF clearly knows they messed up this time and are trying to clean up their mess  I ask my fello ...

Three posts ago you said you were done with this, but here you are again trying to disparage the reputation of the agency by speaking about things that are not relevant to the conversation. There are two well known facts that you have brought to light throughout your attacks with us:

1. You began harboring a grudge against the agency over an incident that happened SEVEN years ago, where you saw a popular girl, booked for 45 minutes, finished your session in 30, demanded a partial refund for time unused, felt insulted when it was denied, and that is the root of your problem with us.

2. Through your own admissions it is a well known fact that Mister Underwood pretended to be your friend and that traumatized you. Since he was a frequent customer at our shop you associated him to us, and now the grudge has evolved into a double the emotional trauma.

We understand you feel betrayed and hurt by whatever Mister Underwood did to you, but we assure you we have no control over what anyone does or say online. We also understand how traumatic it may have been for you when the previous ownership made you feel humiliated when refusing to comply with your demands of a prorated refund for unused time.

Regarding Amber, has it occurred to you that your opinion on any girl is not the absolute truth and there may be people out there that liked her? You are too caught up in your online identity sir. These are well known facts now that you have brought them to light.

Lastly, anyone capable of reading can see the list of alleged transgressions against you and has to logically ask themselves: Why would this guy continue with the booking? Just to write a bad review and get revenege for his Sasha prorated refund is the impression I am getting.

You say, we "forced you" to book one hour, but can we really force anyone to do anything? At the time you booked Sophia, the old lady whose face and body you don't like, it was full COVID lockdown and we had enforced a minimum 1 hour booking for all girls to minimize the foot traffic.

The same girl we forced you to book for an hour, Sophia the old lady, did we force you to get an erection and oral and vaginal sex with her? You didn't like her looks, you could have walked away.

Oh yes, that's right, you now allege that we aren't to be trusted because we are having a perfectly reasonable reaction to your ongoing harassments and slander. I don't see any business owner not caring about the reputation of their business not speaking out agansit slanderous claims like yours. I guess you will say we forced you to have sex with Sophia and Amber because you sent us an EMT, but these incidents happened 3 years ago. Have we ever even publicly or privately talked to you during that time?

NO, you know why? Because we don't care about you at all. We only care about your online slandering campaign rooted on your grudge for not getting a prorated discount with Sasha SEVEN years ago, and rooted by your hatred of Mister Underwood whom in your mind has to be somehow in my payroll because you don't like him. Get over yourself, you are way too caught up in your online world.

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发表于 2024-4-28 08:01:09 | 显示全部楼层
@toronto is great, that's exactly what they sound like, randomly using younger people words like clout, cringing, whining about online harassment when they're a multi million dollar company.

Yes I did say I'm done with responding to you TGF on another thread and I haven't replied there since, I made a comment on this thread and you reported it, forcing me to respond. I won't reply further to you on this thread either, tired of a grown man being unable to have civil discussions so they attack the person in character and use politician answers to say a whole lot of nothing.

1. If I held into a grudge I wouldn't have guven your shop a chance after 3 years, even after the second bad experience I gave you guys another chance and went a third time.

2. "Trauma", none of this is that serious, you bring up Rosa Parks, Trauma, all of these unnecessary words over hobbying. People like you bring up irrelevant terms to sound big, empathetic, but its just embarassing. I am tired of bringing up how painfully obvious that Frank is connected to this shop.

3. Absolutely there may have been people who liked Amber, because she was the heaviest squirter in the market. This doesnt change the fact that reviews need to be objective. In my review of her I said I had a great time, but her face was absolutely terrible and the other reviews (mainly franks) were shill lies.

4. Covid LMAOO, please stop this is just full out embarassing, you need a representative to respond for you because you aren't good at it and are harming your own shops reputation. The shop has never once mentioned covid as the reason for minimum 1 hour, even though the site advertised other times with the rates. If they really cared about covid, why didn't they shut down, instead of "reducing foot traffic". Why keep the hh/45min options on the site? Let me guess our girls can't collect cerb so we made the tough decision of staying open so they can make ends meet. Let me guess did you also increase your employees wages too like hospitals and call them front line workers.

5. You're right I could walk away, but I never do this. I feel terrible walking away, especially after 1 girl told me she cried after a someone turned her down. I wish I could walk away, but I feel way too bad to do that.

Finally if you don't care about me, stop responding, you started this all by @ me with a sarcastic remark while I was giving my opinion to another user who had a bad time at your shop. Clearly you do care as you said I'm getting under your skin. Anyways relax I ain't responding further to you, if other people comment Or @ me, I can't control that and will respond. I been sick all week with the flu, and haven't been able to hobby , thanks for giving me some comedy and entertainment. And again sorry to the mod, I wrote a lot, waste of his time.

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发表于 2024-4-28 13:22:13 | 显示全部楼层
soulsweeper_7 发表于 2024-4-28 08:01
@toronto is great, that's exactly what they sound like, randomly using younger people words like c ...
Sir you have an uncanny ability to fabricate more and more arguments to justify your views. This was never a civil conversation, it is impossible to have a civil conversation with your kind of person. Thank you for all the attention you have brought to Nikita because it's her last day today and she has been fully booked since you began your campaign against us thanks to your attention to her threads. Hard as you try to harm our business, it completely backfired.


While I may not agree with everything that Soulsweeper said, if he was trying to harm your business, he'd have open this own thread instead of simply replying someone's thread. He also wouldn't have waited 4 years (his account was registered 2020) before saying something about your agency.

Your replies are metamorphosing into simply touting your own horn (and/or regurgitating the same arguments you made previously). Furthermore, the latter half of your message has been deleted because it has nothing to with any of Soulsweeper's comments, nor even the review itself, but instead is just blantant advertisement/promotion (in a place it doesn't belong).

At this point, I'm calling for an end to this silly back-and-forth which has gone on long enough (too long actually).

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发表于 2024-5-4 11:30:20 | 显示全部楼层
soulsweeper_7 发表于 2024-4-25 20:24
This shop is well known to influence and tempt reviewer's with discounts. They randomly message peop ...

Soulsweeper_7 is totally right.

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