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保時捷新911 Carrera S爆450ps馬力 0-100km/h只3.4秒

发表于 2018-11-29 02:42:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

之前多圖多片到以為識咗佢好耐,其實剛剛才於美國洛杉磯車展正式公佈。保時捷(Porsche)新911(代號992)現身,先來Carrera S及Carrera 4S,3.0公升水平對向六缸turbocharged引擎,配合七前速手動波箱或八速雙離合器波箱,Carrera S由420ps增至450ps,Carrera S美國車價$113,200美元起,Carrera 4S則$120,600美元起,預定2019年夏季交車。

後驅Carrera S的0-100km/h加速只要3.7秒,Carrera 4S則3.6秒,比現款各快0.4秒。配合Sport Chrono Package,Carrera 4S只要3.4秒!極速分別308km/h及306km/h。Porsche 911經過55年時間,終於來到第八代,代號992,車身仍保留車系風格,頭燈、入風口、LED日間行車燈以至頭冚線條皆有改動,車尾則由新家族式尾燈貫通。


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发表于 2018-11-29 03:34:35 | 显示全部楼层
Unless you are really loaded, and have plenty of disposable money which you can throw away without winking an eye, these exotic, faster cars are more of an ego than a necessity!

Where can you drive at that speed, aside from race tracks, without getting into trouble?

Frankly, a car capable of clocking 0 - 60 MPH in  6.5" is more than sufficient for daily drives.  

Furthermore, if you can afford the luxury without pain, be prepared to lose at least 1/2 of its value when you sell or trade-in for a newer/better model in a few years.

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