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世足/英格蘭本屆第12球 創新隊史

发表于 2018-7-12 03:00:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


英格蘭在4強賽面對克羅埃西亞,比賽第5分鐘特里皮爾(Kieran Trippier)的自由球直射球門右上方,是英格蘭本屆的第12球。其中9球來自定位球,也打破了1966年葡萄牙創下的紀錄。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-16 14:40:04 | 显示全部楼层
It's extremely unfortunately that the English didn't celebrate the England's Football team achievement in this world cup.

Even though they came 4th, but they played extremely well.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-18 14:36:09 | 显示全部楼层
I have a different view.

1.  England started with a WEAK group.  
Don't know whether you guys read a new report re a former FIFA official/insider leaked the news that groupings for previous World Cup games were "arranged".  As such, we are not sure whether this time's grouping was pre-arranged or England paid for a preferential treatment.

2.  Of all the England goals, more than 1/2 were via penalty kicks.  Remove that penalty kicks, England was nothing.

3.  I was not at all surprised that England was soundly beaten by Belgium - a non-soccer power house!
Other final 16 teams which I think can beat England handily are:  Brazil, Japan, Uraquay, Switzerland, Sweden, Mexico.

4.  England was playing the same game which they played for the last 60+ years, LONG BALL, with no improvement, period.
Just go to my recent posting under 2018 World Cup which I copied and pasted a condensed game from uTube of Brazil Vs Mexico which IMHO was the best soccer game of this 2018 championship, compare that with ANY game played by England and you can immediately tell that England was out of its league!


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