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Do you believe in ghosts and paranormal?

发表于 2016-8-15 18:29:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
For a really long time in my life I always believed in a science, there was a scientific way to explain everything. Yet as I opened the door to the unknown, I learned many deep and different things. I hope I motivate/inspire you to only believe your own eyes, and make judgement only after you do your own research about the world of the unknown.

2 recent videos fascinated me

video of poltergeist:

another one

i believe they are spirits in energy form that exists on a plane of existence beyond our senses..  just like how carl sagan explained how the dimensions work in this link

again, i ask you to do your own research, this is for educational/motivational purposes only. any input is welcome

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发表于 2016-8-16 15:19:18 | 显示全部楼层
Yes, I do believe in ghosts. I am one myself you know.

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发表于 2016-9-17 09:52:09 | 显示全部楼层
Just because you can't "see" doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Science explains everything? Hell, science is only limited to the extent where our technology can reach.

Thousands of years ago, the idea that the earth is "round" was already proposed. No, humans didn't wait until after rennaissance to discover that. The idea of Spherical Earth could date back to 600 years BC. However, at the time the technology provided doubts, but not enoguh to "prove" the earth was round, so there surely were debates going on.

Only until the technology was advanced enough to "prove", which is almost two thousands years later, then we all accept that the Earth is round. But even then, there were many that didn't believe it. So purely because "science" can't prove it, so it does not exist?

What makes you think our technology is advanced enough to explain everything anyways? Especially when scientists themselves still talk about how much that we don't know?

So I seriously encourage people like you, who have finally stepped out of their "lmited mind", to first believe there might be something (or else why did it occur to people in the first place, fantasies? people are not dumb), and then try to find if technology/science can make sense of it

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