
楼主: dragondick


发表于 2015-2-15 09:59:13 | 显示全部楼层
Ellesmere 发表于 2015-2-15 04:34
So in your point of view, you are saying victims from the war is lying about the massacre by the J ...

If you read all my postings in this board I admitted that Japanese killed at least 40M Chinese lives during the period 1937~1945. No lie & it is true. We as Chinese noticed that we live side-by-side with wolf for 2,000 years.

My view-of-point is not pointing Japanese are cruel. I'm pointing to that Why Chinese stood at prey (by Japanese)? Why Chinese live alike goat, not wolf?

A lot of us jealous other RICH people but ignoring why they're poor (in money)? [Ben of 747 is a small board few years back. Now, he works himself up alike USA. It is hard working and upgrading]

不進則退. 原地踏步是死路. That's why 安倍 go changes (disregard it is bad or good)


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发表于 2015-2-15 10:49:52 | 显示全部楼层
At beginning of this subject [JAPAN'S HYPOCRISY]. It mentioned firmly that Japanese is wolf. Why no mentioned that Chinese is goat? Under natural ruling .... Wolf would follow goat. Wolf would make changes itself if she's find goat is slipping away. 安倍 is doing what he has to do.

Japan is lack of natural resources to power their technology. Still Japan maintain on top of the world. Think of this .... why? how?


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发表于 2015-2-15 19:45:25 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2015-2-15 10:49
At beginning of this subject [JAPAN'S HYPOCRISY]. It mentioned firmly that Japanese is wolf. Why no  ...

Everybody has there ups and downs. China has been up for thousands of years and down in recent times but we can see it is starting climb back up. Japan has been down for thousands of years and got to top only in recent times by half effort and half luck but doesn't mean she can stay up forever.

This has nothing to do with the issue of Japanese owing apology for what it has done. Wrong is wrong. Wrong must be admitted.

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发表于 2015-2-16 03:33:31 | 显示全部楼层
hihibye 发表于 2015-2-15 19:45
Everybody has there ups and downs. China has been up for thousands of years and down in recent tim ...

Everybody has there ups and downs ~~~~ This is a very common sentences. A depressed person never admits (s)he under depression. A sick person never admits (s)he is sick at beginning until (s)he fell very sick. [Why not we see ups ups ups only? I taught my children ups ups ups. No down & never would]

In argument to this subject [JAPAN'S HYPOCRISY] 安倍 (elected by Japanese) able to see China climbing up. [Then Japanese would have been looked down.] That's why he makes changes (disregard good or bad) including 洗腦教育 to their children. This act not called HYPOCRISY. It's call 自知之明. Success or fail is another story.

Wrong is wrong. Wrong must be admitted ~~~~ Depends to situation. Wolf killed goat or Lion killed wolf ... is it wrong? [If you admit yourself 弱者. Under natural rule, nothing wrong of being eaten by 強者]

In argument to this subject [JAPAN'S HYPOCRISY]. We have to see things from different angle. 安倍 cannot admit wrong-doing to his people. he has to motivate their people in order to climb higher against China. Also China can not just say "you're wrong" repeatedly & have her hand down or stop. China needs moving forward & climb even higher.

Here what I've to say again: 不進則退. 原地踏步是死路 [Does this sentence familiar to you recently? This is what HKers wanted today. There are lots of Chinese still so stubborn and narrow sight. They can not see things from different angle]

Thanks for your inserts hihibye ... comments always welcome.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-16 11:38:53 | 显示全部楼层
You missed the point again and again INCLUDING not reading the new release in #1.

Abe should never rub salt into old wounds by visiting the National Shrine, and gloryfying the war criminals.  He should also ensure that Japanese text books reflect facts re Japanese atrocities in China so that a new generation will try to "mend some fences" with neighbouring countries (plural).

Continuously denying Japan's wrong-doings in the past, & adding insult to injury, will never build good-will among neighbours!

Also don't tell the world that Japan will never forgive ISIS for two beheadings while expecting China and Korea to forgive & forget.  And that is the topic of discussion.

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发表于 2015-2-16 11:40:59 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-3-12 19:35:02 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2015-2-16 03:33
Everybody has there ups and downs ~~~~ This is a very common sentences. A depressed person never a ...

Dr Siu,

I'm afraid you confused a natural laws with human laws. Law means something very different in those 2 context. Natural law is like gravity, there is no right or wrong, and it is always true (you cannot violate the law of gravity). Human laws are more like guidelines, or morals (backed by punishment if violated).

Now you talk about survival of the fittest (strong overcomes the weak) which is a natural law, but is it the way humans should behave? It is very important to distinguish whether its right or wrong, because if its right, then we should repeat such behavior, whereas if its wrong, then we should not.

To give to 2 examples:

If an airplane falls out of the sky and kills hundreds of passengers. Should we look at the natural law (gravity), and say the airplane crashed because of gravity, which is natural and right and we should not look further? Or should we look at the human aspect, such as possible negligence, and determine who or what went wrong, so that it does not happen again?

Another example. If a robber breaks in Dr Siu's home and takes all his possessions and kills his family, should Dr Siu call the police, have the robber arrested and put on trial? Or should Dr Siu say, "Well, I am weak and he is strong, so this is alright. It is my fault for not working out more and learning kung fu and becoming strong so I could fight off the robber."?

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发表于 2015-3-13 02:40:06 | 显示全部楼层
Ben2009 发表于 2015-3-12 19:35
Dr Siu,

I'm afraid you confused a natural laws with human laws. Law means something very differe ...

Mr Ben,
Human laws developed way back to human stood out from other living creatures. The most we heard was 十誡. Jesus used education imposed law. It's was 2,500 years ago. Since then JESUS and KING(國王) always right (never wrong).

Animals do have their own law that they don't kill themselves (In same litter, Lion don't kill lion or Wolf don't kill wolf). Simply say Lion/Wolf kills prey. Lion kill lion (for prey) if not in same litter. Here's what the subject refers.

Human laws improving years-over-years. (JESUS and KING no more always RIGHT now) Which your examples based on today's. Improving based on civilization and education. That we judged RIGHT or WRONG from TODAY'S angle. In OLD days we would be WRONG if not to stand strong. Strong is the only RIGHT to survive.

Not far back 300 years ago in USA. White massacre Indians & Mexican. White came from more civilized Europe. But white survived upon killing 弱者. Law only exist for their own kind (not for 弱者 or prey) That time, law well developed in Asia and Europe. Right or Wrong applied whom are strong/weak that years in America.

Two examples you provide relates to RECENT years. (1) Don't understand how plane crash relates to this subject? Please tell more. (2) Yes, if situation go back to 10,000 years ago Dr Siu needed to stand up myself to protect my own properties. If not I am WRONG for robber whom going to do RIGHT. For argument today 2015, I still need to put strong measures to protect my properties. If not I am wrong too (Robber judged as WRONG in court systems. Not to his own mind)

Welcome more comments .... Ben Gor


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发表于 2015-3-13 08:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
Law of Nature refers to Fish swims, Bird flies, Man runs. Not refer to machine.
Machine that created/modified to fly (Plane). To swim (ship). To run (car). These are not nature.

Human laws work with same level of civilization/education. It won't apply to slaves in OLD DAYS.
That we saw in 上海黃埔公園 [华人與狗不許進入]
British law in HK in 1840 that it protects White (not Chinese). English steals from Chinese are legal (Their judge won't see it even it's true). I saw it myself in 1950, English police inspector call out Chinese drivers on 波斯富街 to provide room for English drivers.
Human law won't protect people whom lived in rural land even in USA. That's why gun-control never been applied (due to human nature). Means that it would be a big mistake live in rural land without gun (Judge/police would say good to you but do nothing at all when you being robbed)

To this subject [JAPAN'S HYPOCRISY] that what I looked at that Abe's ain't. Abe (and most Japanese) really 看不起 all other Asian countries. Abe and some Japanese bows to Americans and other White (that proves Japan ain't hypocrisy). Japan are true gentleman to same level person as they felt.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-13 14:05:24 | 显示全部楼层

Abe will be visiting Honolulu to pay respect to American soldiers killed during the Pearl Harbour attack, then the White House, but will not admit Japan's atrocities during the war.

If Obama does not give Abe the right message, Japan will continue to portrait itself as a victim of WWII, and will revert to its pre-WWII ways.

After the USA visit, Abe will amend Japan's constitution, increase military spendings, convert JDF to an Offensive Force.  I predict that there will more Sino-Japanese skirmish, with USA pulling the strings......

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