jkontheway 发表于 2022-9-16 08:58:35


9月16日下午,位于湖南长沙市区内的中国电信大楼发生火灾,牵动人心。目击者彭先生告诉记者:“下午3时50分左右,我路过这里,发现着火。刚开始是下面着火,烧得越来越快,很快就烧到顶上去了。”而现场浓烟滚滚,数十层楼体燃烧剧烈。彭先生说:“我看到是从大楼外面烧的,是大楼的一面,但是具体原因不清楚。下午4时40分左右,彭先生说:“现在火势已经减小了。” 据央视新闻,目前伤亡情况不明,消防人员已在现场展开灭火和救援工作

shagmate 发表于 2022-9-16 10:59:06

Rogers have technical blackout, China Telecom has building on fire.hahaha

北上广 发表于 2022-9-16 20:40:25


rkim 发表于 2022-9-17 11:16:41

Concrete builds have a limitation of its useful life around 30-40 years for those built here in North America.
It depends on how cement solidify properly and that takes time.
Search on google you can learn all about that.

I read somewhere that most of the skyscrapers built in China are done in record speed to get awards from the government.

I will not be surprised if most of the skyscrapers in China can't last more than 10-15 years due to various "accidents" and crazy incidents like this fire.


shagmate 发表于 2022-9-17 16:57:58

Did they announce the root cause of the fire?

Most the times the rather demolish and build new.

wuso 发表于 2022-9-18 00:55:06

0 injury what a miracle
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