wonimalaikankan 发表于 2019-12-26 16:45:00


如题 很困惑啊

ahtim 发表于 2020-2-25 06:57:57


JK9 发表于 2021-7-26 09:53:07

建议你多尝试接触新的领域和之前没做过的活动。很多幽默段子都是来自过去遇到过的糗事或不好的经历,过段时间回头看你会发现蛮有意思的, 重点是心态don't take yourself too seriously。

GOATJames 发表于 2021-7-28 10:44:58

Don't take everything too serious, be considerate to others, and it is ok to make a fool of yourself sometimes.

brianstoneton 发表于 2021-12-7 03:38:19

Try watching comedy shows, it helps a lot. I remember that's all I used to do, watch the office and you pick up on some of their jokes

tenzor 发表于 2021-12-9 00:21:30

brianstoneton 发表于 2021-12-7 03:38
Try watching comedy shows, it helps a lot. I remember that's all I used to do, watch the office and...

i dont know how the office is not getting canceled in 2021 culture

for me .. i just be myself and take everything with a grain of salt ... also watching a lot of stand ups

zdtxhdnz 发表于 2022-1-2 19:49:59


petergg 发表于 2022-3-7 01:33:55

I always laugh at my foolishness infront of other people.

jasonsu 发表于 2022-3-12 16:26:42


frankczy2010 发表于 2022-3-15 21:02:07

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查看完整版本: 如何提升自身幽默感呀